How to multiply money on Instagram – a company

How to multiply money on Instagram – a company

Making money through Instagram is associated with influencers, however, at the moment every serious company has an account on this service. Instagram helps to get to the recipients, especially young people, and therefore potentially still unsettled consumers. Yet how can a company earn money on Instagram?

  1. Remember that a company earns money on Instagram mainly indirectly. While Influencers get real cash for recommending brands and affiliation, brand profit is mostly based on sales growth. You can’t have your cake and eat it – Instagram can be either a way to earn money itself, or a method to win customers. People who are both Influencers and brand owners are the exception. However, it should be remembered that an influencer starts selling their own products and services once they have become popular. On the other hand, it is much more difficult – practically no one has yet become an influencer advertising only their own brand.
  2. Upload “behind the scenes” photos. If you have an interesting product, show how it is made, how the production or packaging process goes. Of course, these have to be photographs showing the brand in the best possible light, subdued, without any boring or unpleasant details. For example, clothing companies may present the process of designing or sewing, however, a cold meat producer should not demonstrate literally all stages of sausage production.
  3. Share photos received from customers. Encourage recipients to photograph their products and place such pictures on the official account. Such behaviour generates traffic and increases brand awareness.
  4. Always take care of the artistic side of the photos. It is worth hiring a professional to upload your photos, even if you run a small business. No one will watch photographs that are badly cropped, of low resolution or simply ugly.
  5. Inform on Instagram about promotions and novelties. The photos themselves are only one way to promote your company. Another is graphics with messages interesting for potential recipients. However, be careful not to exaggerate – the whole account flooded with graphics containing “Promotion -50% on everything” is no longer reliable.
  6. Use iconographics. People love curiosities and data, provided that they are presented in an interesting way. Try to address often general topics that are loosely related to the brand – for example product composition, history of developing a given service, manufacturing methods, etc.

Here are some basic ways to improve traffic on an Instagram account and thus increase the company’s income. It is important to realise that the most interesting brand accounts must simultaneously address general topics and attract attention with interesting pictures or iconography, but on the other hand, promote products or services in an appropriate way. This may be difficult and requires skill, so it is good to constantly monitor the statistics and conversion rate which translates into the real profit for the company.

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