What’s worth knowing about investing in the company’s brand?

What’s worth knowing about investing in the company’s brand?

Branding, or creating a brand strategy, is nowadays one of the mandatory elements of marketing. Many entrepreneurs claim that branding should be launched even before the company is established. They argue that a catchy name or creative logo attracts customers of niche brands and builds a bond with the customer from the first contact. But what should you pay attention to when investing in your brand?

  1. The right accent. Many entrepreneurs rely on elements that are not very unique and memorable. They are convinced that if they have seen something similar in their competitors, it will certainly work well for their company. In fact, it may be quite the opposite. The trick is to choose universally working elements and an individual accent that distinguishes the brand from others.
  2. Color-coding is an underestimated element of branding. Many of the most famous brands use color-coding. For example, Coca-Cola is always coded in red and its biggest competitor – Pepsi – in blue. McDonald’s restaurant is coded with a combination of red and yellow, although recently there has been a tendency to change the tone by using dark green. In turn, blue and navy blue are associated with professionalism, which means that a vast number of websites have navy blue graphic elements. However, this means that moving away from this scheme (e.g., in favor of dark purple or cherry) will positively affect the brand’s recognition.
  3. E-mail footer unification. Each external e-mail should contain the logo, company name, address, and contact details, possibly a slogan and social media links. This helps to maintain consistency in contact with the customer and positively impact building brand awareness.
  4. Excessive experimentation can be worthless. I wrote about the lack of uniqueness, but too much exaggeration in the other direction can be lethal for the brand. Building a brand should be done in a manner consistent with the area of the company’s operations, and it cannot be done at the expense of functionality. There is no need to “throw” every creative idea into the brand; it only creates chaos and a bad impression of lack of professionalism.
  5. Branding should be tailored to the customer’s needs and perspective. A brand directed to teenagers has a different communication, another to entrepreneurs. Therefore, before any actions are taken to create a brand, it is necessary to establish the recipient’s profile and a short description of the brand narrative. To start, just ask a few basic questions. Does the brand focus on “tradition” or “modernity”? “Formality” or “laid-back” communication? “Professionalism” or “finesse”? The answers to these questions help properly profile the narrative and contribute to the brand’s future success.

With the help of appropriate branding, it’s possible to promote the company and make the next customers come back to it regularly. However, one should never forget that the absolute basis is a good quality of goods or services provided. Not since today, it’s known that even the best brand created won’t stay on the market unless it meets customers’ expectations.

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